Spack: a Package Manager for Scientific Software

Massimiliano Culpo - Sylabs, Inc.

Sylabs, Singularity and Spack

Spack in a nutshell

Spack is a package manager

  • Lead developer: Todd Gamblin (LLNL)
  • Tracks metadata for installed software
  • Multiple configurations of the same software
  • Support for supercomputers, linux and MacOS
  • Install from source or binary packages
  • Very active and engaging community
  • Dual license Apache-2.0 or MIT

Who can profit from Spack?

  • End users of HPC software
  • HPC application teams
  • Package developers
  • User support teams at HPC centers

Spack is used worldwide!

Sessions on for one month

Clone it and you're ready to go!

	      $ git clone
	      $ . spack/share/spack/

	      $ spack install hdf5

Packages are Python classes

class Kripke(Package):
    """Kripke is a simple, scalable, 3D Sn
    deterministic particle transport mini app.
    homepage = ""
    url      = ""

    version('1.1', '7fe6f2b26ed983a6ce5495ab701f85bf')
    version('1.0', 'f4247dde07952a5ff866b24e45b5cdd1')

    variant('mpi', default=True, description='Build with MPI.')

    depends_on('mpi', when="+mpi")

Easy to work with packages

                    $ # Create a new package in the built-in repository
                    $ spack create <url>

                    $ # Modify an existing package
                    $ export EDITOR='emacs -nw'
                    $ spack edit <package-name>

                    $ # Scrape for versions of an existing package
                    $ spack versions <package-name>

Spack core concepts

Spec syntax + Directives + Concretizer

The spec syntax describes user's needs

   $ # Install a specific version by appending @
   $ spack install hdf5@1.10.1

   $ # Specify a compiler (and optional version), with %
   $ spack install hdf5@1.10.1 %gcc@4.7.3

   $ # Add special boolean compile-time options with +
   $ spack install hdf5@1.10.1 +szip

   $ # Add custom compiler flags
   $ spack install hdf5@1.10.1 cppflags="-O3 -floop-block"

   $ # Cross-compile on a Cray or Blue Gene/Q
   $ spack install hdf5@1.10.1 target=backend

Directives model allowed configurations

class Openblas(MakefilePackage):
    """OpenBLAS: An optimized BLAS library"""

    homepage = ''
    url      = ''

    version('0.3.4', sha256='4b4b4453251')
    version('0.3.3', sha256='49d88f4494a')

    variant('shared', default=True,
            description='Build shared libraries')
    variant('ilp64', default=False,
            description='64 bit integers')

    conflicts('%intel@16', when='@0.2.15:0.2.19')


The concretizer fills in missing details

The abstract spec is turned into a concrete configuration that can be installed

Each configuration is installed in its own prefix

All the software is installed in the Spack's store

Spack fights combinatorics with combinatorics!

Database of installed packages

Installed configurations are stored in a JSON file

 "database": {
  "installs": {
   "ivqu252fvh7r5iar6zwx4fmeoxiykln7": {
    "explicit": true,
    "installation_time": 1548272929.178339,
    "ref_count": 0,
    "installed": true,
    "path": "/home/mculpo/PycharmProjects/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu18.04-x86_64/gcc-8.2.0/zlib-1.2.11-ivqu252fvh7r5iar6zwx4fmeoxiykln7",
    "spec": {
     "zlib": {
      "version": "1.2.11",
      "arch": {
       "platform": "linux",
       "platform_os": "ubuntu18.04",
       "target": "x86_64"
      "compiler": {
       "name": "gcc",
       "version": "8.2.0"
      "namespace": "builtin",
      "parameters": {
       "optimize": true,
       "pic": true,
       "shared": true,
       "cflags": [],
       "cppflags": [],
       "cxxflags": [],
       "fflags": [],
       "ldflags": [],
       "ldlibs": []
  "version": "0.9.3"

Provenance is preserved for each configuration

$ tree $(spack location -i hdf5)/.spack
├── archived-files
│   └── config.log
├── build.env
├── build.out
├── repos
│   └── builtin
│       ├── packages
│       │   ├── hdf5
│       │   │   └──
│       │   └── zlib
│       │       └──
│       └── repo.yaml
└── spec.yaml

6 directories, 7 files
The JSON database can be regenerated based on this information

Query what's installed from the command line

$ spack find zlib
==> 1 installed package
-- linux-ubuntu18.04-x86_64 / gcc@8.2.0 ----

$ spack find --start-date 'a month ago'
==> 3 installed packages
-- linux-ubuntu18.04-x86_64 / gcc@8.2.0 ----
hdf5@1.10.4  openblas@0.3.5  zlib@1.2.11

Uninstall anything in an easy and safe way

$ spack find zlib
==> 2 installed packages
-- linux-ubuntu18.04-x86_64 / gcc@8.2.0 ----
zlib@1.2.8  zlib@1.2.11

$ spack uninstall zlib@1.2.8
==> The following packages will be uninstalled:

-- linux-ubuntu18.04-x86_64 / gcc@8.2.0 ----
    yxoie27 zlib@1.2.8%gcc+optimize+pic+shared
==> Do you want to proceed? [y/N] y
==> Successfully uninstalled zlib@1.2.8%gcc@8.2.0 [...] /yxoie27

Generate module files for HPC sites

      - gcc@4.8.5
      - mpi
      - lapack
    hash_length: 0
        +mpi: mpi
        +openmp: openmp

Tutorial: Spack 101 - module files

A thin wrapper script mediates compilation

Compiler options can be filtered out or added

Also ensure the software runs the way it was built

New features since last year

Chain together multiple instances of Spack

Downstream instances can read upstream DBs

It's Spack all the way down!

Spack Environments: portable and reproducible builds

Spack environments virtualize a Spack instance

$ spack env create my-project
==> Created environment 'my-project' in [...]/my-project

$ spack env activate my-project
$ spack env status
==> In environment my-project

$ spack find
==> In environment my-project
==> No root specs

==> 0 installed packages
Like Python's virtualenvs but for anything!

All environments are based on a manifest file

$ spack config get
# This is a Spack Environment file.
# It describes a set of packages to be installed, along with
# configuration settings.
  # add package specs to the `specs` list
  specs: [hdf5~mpi, python, mpich]
  mirrors: {}
    enable: []
  repos: []
  packages: {}
  config: {}
Configuration can be finely tuned

Use spack.yaml to distribute an environment

  • It's the configuration file we have seen before
  • Does not have to live inside Spack tree
  • Can be bundled with anything
  • Can be manipulated directly if it is in the pwd

Fully concretized specs are in spack.lock

  "concrete_specs": {
   "teneqii2xv5u6zl5r6qi3pwurc6pmypz": {
    "xz": {
      "version": "5.2.4",
      "arch": {
        "platform": "linux",
        "platform_os": "ubuntu16.04",
      "target": "x86_64"
Using either spack.yaml or spack.lock you can recreate an environment

Environment might have associated views

  - hdf5+mpi
  - bzip2

  view: True

$ ls .spack-env/view/bin
h5clear   h5diff   ...   h5unjam
h5copy    h5dump   ...   ph5diff
h5debug   ...      ...

$ ls .spack-env/view/include
H5ACpublic.h     ...   hdf5.h
H5Apublic.h      ...   zconf.h
H5Cpublic.h      ...   zlib.h
Views are directories with all packages symlinked in

Spack Stacks: cartesian products of specs

                        - compilers: ['%gcc@7.1.0', '%gcc@4.9.3']
                        - when: target == 'x86_64'
                          compilers: ['%intel']
                        - matrix:
                            - [zlib, libelf, libdwarf]
                            - [$compilers]
                            - libdwarf%gcc@4.9.3
                        - cmake
Can be used to deploy at HPC facilities

Spack can optimize for specific microarchitectures

Spack 0.12.X: support was coarse grained

$ # Based on platform.machine() which is basically uname -m
$ spack arch

$ spack -d install zlib
==> [2019-09-26-12:52:54.178762] Successfully installed zlib
Fetch: 0.01s.  Build: 3.87s.  Total: 3.88s.
[+] /home/culpo/PycharmProjects/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu18.04-x86_64/gcc-9.0.1/zlib-1.2.11-tn4qvs7g6r45dipq6kvg4ggs6rts3m7s

$ cat spack-cc-zlib-tn4qvs7.out.log
[cc] /usr/bin/gcc-9 -c ztest28029.c
[cc] /usr/bin/gcc-9 -c -fPIC -O2 ztest28029.c
[cc] /usr/bin/gcc-9 -c -fPIC -O2 ztest28029.c
No architecture specific optimization is injected

Spack >= 0.13.X: finer notion of architectures

                        $ spack arch

                        $ spack arch --known-targets
                        Generic architectures (families)
                            aarch64  ppc64  ppc64le  x86  x86_64
                        IBM - ppc64
                            power7  power8  power9
                        GenuineIntel - x86_64
                            nocona  nehalem   sandybridge  haswell    skylake  skylake_avx512  cascadelake
                            core2   westmere  ivybridge    broadwell  mic_knl  cannonlake      icelake
Host detected as best match among known targets

Microarchitecture specific optimizations

                    $ spack -d install zlib
                    ==> [2019-09-26-13:57:08.721455] Successfully installed zlib
                    Fetch: 0.01s.  Build: 3.22s.  Total: 3.23s.
                    [+] /home/culpo/PycharmProjects/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu18.04-broadwell/gcc-9.0.1/zlib-1.2.11-os3djb57dqdzhaqsl2n7iefz3gwombyi

                    $ cat spack-cc-zlib-os3djb5.out.log
                    [cc] /usr/bin/gcc-9 -march=broadwell -mtune=broadwell -c ztest30073.c
                    [cc] /usr/bin/gcc-9 -march=broadwell -mtune=broadwell -c -fPIC -O2 ztest30073.c
                    [cc] /usr/bin/gcc-9 -march=broadwell -mtune=broadwell -c -fPIC -O2 ztest30073.c
Optimization flags injected automatically

The concretizer knows about compiler support

                        $ spack arch
                        $ spack spec zlib %gcc@4.8
                        ==> Warning: gcc@4.8 cannot build optimized binaries for "broadwell". Using best target possible: "haswell"
                        zlib@1.2.11%gcc@4.8+optimize+pic+shared arch=linux-ubuntu18.04-haswell
                        $ spack spec zlib %gcc@4.8 target=broadwell
                        ==> Error: cannot produce optimized binary for micro-architecture 'broadwell' with gcc@4.8 [supported compiler versions are 4.9:]
Downgrades the architecture if the compiler is too old or errors out on explicit request

Simplified recipes with more powerful tests

    # The colon denotes an open range. The dependency
    # is attached to any x86_64 compatible target
    depends_on('libfoo', when='target=x86_64:')

    # In recipes we can use Microarchitecture objects
    # directly and test them for compatibility or features
    if >= 'broadwell':

    if 'avx512' in

Spack integrates with Gitlab CI pipelines

CI infrastructure for source and binary packages

Spack can generate recipes to build container images

Extension to Spack Environments

     - hdf5+mpi
     - mpich     
       format: docker
       strip: true
         image: "centos:7"
         spack: develop
       - libgomp
         app: "gromacs"
         mpi: "mpich"
Recipes based on multi-stage builds

A command prints recipes to stdout

                    $ ls
                    $ spack containerize
                    # Build stage with Spack pre-installed and ready to be used
                    FROM spack/centos7:latest as builder
                    # What we want to install and how we want to install it
                    # is specified in a manifest file (spack.yaml)
                    RUN mkdir /opt/spack-environment \
                    &&  (echo "spack:" \
                    &&   echo "  specs:" \
                    &&   echo "  - hdf5~mpi" \
                    &&   echo "  concretization: together" \
                    &&   echo "  config:" \
                    &&   echo "    install_tree: /opt/software" \
                    &&   echo "  view: /opt/view") > /opt/spack-environment/spack.yaml
                    # Install the software, remove unecessary deps
                    RUN cd /opt/spack-environment && spack install && spack gc -y
Minimal size images with apps in PATH

Support for Singularity def files

Bootstrap: docker
From: spack/ubuntu-bionic:latest
Stage: build

  # Create the manifest file for the installation in /opt/spack-environment
  mkdir /opt/spack-environment && cd /opt/spack-environment
  cat << EOF > spack.yaml
  - hdf5~mpi
      - broadwell
  concretization: together
    install_tree: /opt/software
  view: /opt/view

  # Install all the required software
  . /opt/spack/share/spack/
  spack install
  spack gc -y
  spack env activate --sh -d . >> /opt/spack-environment/
Needs the upcoming 3.5.3 version of Singularity

Spack supports concurrent or parallel builds

Synchronization via filesystem locks

Coming soon in Spack

Concretization prefers already available binaries

Thanks for listening! Questions?